【【AI绘画】NovelAI终极傻瓜教程 无需任何环境 colab完全线上部署 A卡福音 (可可罗老师讲授)-哔哩哔哩】 https://b23.tv/I2N0ke5

--gradio-auth me:qwerty
!COMMANDLINE_ARGS="--deepdanbooru --share --gradio-debug" REQS_FILE="requirements.txt" python launch.py
"data": [
description ,// represents sample input to preprocess. of 'Prompt' Textbox component
undescription, // represents sample input to preprocess. of 'Negative prompt' Textbox component
"_KT", // represents selected choice of 'Style 1' Dropdown component
"_KT", // represents selected choice of 'Style 2' Dropdown component
20, // represents null of 'Sampling Steps' Slider component
"Euler a", // represents selected choice of 'Sampling method' Radio component
false , // represents null of 'Restore faces' Checkbox component
false, // represents null of 'Tiling' Checkbox component
1, // represents null of 'Batch count' Slider component
1, // represents null of 'Batch size' Slider component
7.0, // represents null of 'CFG Scale' Slider component
-1, // represents numeric input of 'Seed' Number component
-1, // represents numeric input of 'Variation seed' Number component
1.0, // represents null of 'Variation strength' Slider component
0, // represents null of 'Resize seed from height' Slider component
0, // represents null of 'Resize seed from width' Slider component
false, // represents null of 'Extra' Checkbox component
512, // represents null of 'Height' Slider component
512, // represents null of 'Width' Slider component
false, // represents null of 'Highres. fix' Checkbox component
0.7, // represents null of 'Denoising strength' Slider component
0, // represents null of 'Firstpass width' Slider component
0, // represents null of 'Firstpass height' Slider component
"None", // represents selected choice of 'Script' Dropdown component
false, // represents null of 'Put variable parts at start of prompt' Checkbox component
false, // represents null of 'Show Textbox' Checkbox component
null, // represents List of JSON objects with filename as 'name' property and base64 data as 'data' property of 'File with inputs' File component
description, // represents sample input to preprocess. of 'Prompts' Textbox component
"Nothing", // represents selected choice of 'X type' Dropdown component
null, // represents sample input to preprocess. of 'X values' Textbox component
"Nothing", // represents selected choice of 'Y type' Dropdown component
null, // represents sample input to preprocess. of 'Y values' Textbox component
true, // represents null of 'Draw legend' Checkbox component
false, // represents null of 'Include Separate Images' Checkbox component
false, // represents null of 'Keep -1 for seeds' Checkbox component
"data": [
description ,// represents sample input to preprocess. of 'Prompt' Textbox component
undescription, // represents sample input to preprocess. of 'Negative prompt' Textbox component
"_KT", // represents selected choice of 'Style 1' Dropdown component
"_KT", // represents selected choice of 'Style 2' Dropdown component
20, // represents null of 'Sampling Steps' Slider component
"Euler a", // represents selected choice of 'Sampling method' Radio component
false , // represents null of 'Restore faces' Checkbox component
false, // represents null of 'Tiling' Checkbox component
1, // represents null of 'Batch count' Slider component
1, // represents null of 'Batch size' Slider component
7.0, // represents null of 'CFG Scale' Slider component
-1, // represents numeric input of 'Seed' Number component
-1, // represents numeric input of 'Variation seed' Number component
1.0, // represents null of 'Variation strength' Slider component
0, // represents null of 'Resize seed from height' Slider component
0, // represents null of 'Resize seed from width' Slider component
false, // represents null of 'Extra' Checkbox component
512, // represents null of 'Height' Slider component
512, // represents null of 'Width' Slider component
false, // represents null of 'Highres. fix' Checkbox component
0.7, // represents null of 'Denoising strength' Slider component
0, // represents null of 'Firstpass width' Slider component
0, // represents null of 'Firstpass height' Slider component
"None", // represents selected choice of 'Script' Dropdown component
false, // represents null of 'Put variable parts at start of prompt' Checkbox component
false, // represents null of 'Show Textbox' Checkbox component
null, // represents List of JSON objects with filename as 'name' property and base64 data as 'data' property of 'File with inputs' File component
description, // represents sample input to preprocess. of 'Prompts' Textbox component
"Nothing", // represents selected choice of 'X type' Dropdown component
null, // represents sample input to preprocess. of 'X values' Textbox component
"Nothing", // represents selected choice of 'Y type' Dropdown component
null, // represents sample input to preprocess. of 'Y values' Textbox component
true, // represents null of 'Draw legend' Checkbox component
false, // represents null of 'Include Separate Images' Checkbox component
false, // represents null of 'Keep -1 for seeds' Checkbox component
"data": [ description ,// represents sample input to preprocess. of 'Prompt' Textbox component undescription, // represents sample input to preprocess. of 'Negative prompt' Textbox component "_KT", // represents selected choice of 'Style 1' Dropdown component "_KT", // represents selected choice of 'Style 2' Dropdown component 20, // represents null of 'Sampling Steps' Slider component "Euler a", // represents selected choice of 'Sampling method' Radio component false , // represents null of 'Restore faces' Checkbox component false, // represents null of 'Tiling' Checkbox component 1, // represents null of 'Batch count' Slider component 1, // represents null of 'Batch size' Slider component 7.0, // represents null of 'CFG Scale' Slider component -1, // represents numeric input of 'Seed' Number component -1, // represents numeric input of 'Variation seed' Number component 1.0, // represents null of 'Variation strength' Slider component 0, // represents null of 'Resize seed from height' Slider component 0, // represents null of 'Resize seed from width' Slider component false, // represents null of 'Extra' Checkbox component 512, // represents null of 'Height' Slider component 512, // represents null of 'Width' Slider component false, // represents null of 'Highres. fix' Checkbox component 0.7, // represents null of 'Denoising strength' Slider component 0, // represents null of 'Firstpass width' Slider component 0, // represents null of 'Firstpass height' Slider component "None", // represents selected choice of 'Script' Dropdown component false, // represents null of 'Put variable parts at start of prompt' Checkbox component false, // represents null of 'Show Textbox' Checkbox component null, // represents List of JSON objects with filename as 'name' property and base64 data as 'data' property of 'File with inputs' File component description, // represents sample input to preprocess. of 'Prompts' Textbox component "Nothing", // represents selected choice of 'X type' Dropdown component null, // represents sample input to preprocess. of 'X values' Textbox component "Nothing", // represents selected choice of 'Y type' Dropdown component null, // represents sample input to preprocess. of 'Y values' Textbox component true, // represents null of 'Draw legend' Checkbox component false, // represents null of 'Include Separate Images' Checkbox component false, // represents null of 'Keep -1 for seeds' Checkbox component ]
* 作者: 姜来式
* QQ: 1216951671
<vertical padding="10dp">
<input id="prompt" w="*" marginTop="30dp" hint = "这里填正面修饰词"/>
<input id="unprompt" hint="这里填负面过滤词" />
<button id="word" text = "点击填写示例词汇" style="Widget.AppCompat.Button.Colored" />
<button id="ai" text="ai作画"style="Widget.AppCompat.Button.Colored" />
<input id="name" hint="这里填要保存的图片文件名"/>
<button id="save" text="保存" style="Widget.AppCompat.Button.Colored" />
<img id="picture" w="auto" h="auto"/>
var path = "/storage/emulated/0/二次元生成/"
var img;
var badwords = "bad anatomy,liquid body,liquid tongue,uncoordinated body,unnatural body,bad hands,fused hand,missing hand,missing feet,bad proportions,obesity,worst quality,low quality,normal quality"
var goodwords = "{{masterpiece}},beautiful,girl,angel"
var url = "https://d1db3c6ce5bf3e1f.gradio.app/api/jianglaishi"//api接口
var url2 ="https://d1db3c6ce5bf3e1f.gradio.app/file="//读取图片
var generationinfo;
var gallery;
var htmlinfo;
var description = ui.prompt.getText().toString().trim()
var undescription = ui.unprompt.getText().toString().trim()
var res = http.postJson(url,{
"data": [
description ,// represents sample input to preprocess. of 'Prompt' Textbox component
undescription, // represents sample input to preprocess. of 'Negative prompt' Textbox component
"_KT", // represents selected choice of 'Style 1' Dropdown component
"_KT", // represents selected choice of 'Style 2' Dropdown component
20, // represents null of 'Sampling Steps' Slider component
"Euler a", // represents selected choice of 'Sampling method' Radio component
false , // represents null of 'Restore faces' Checkbox component
false, // represents null of 'Tiling' Checkbox component
1, // represents null of 'Batch count' Slider component
1, // represents null of 'Batch size' Slider component
7.0, // represents null of 'CFG Scale' Slider component
-1, // represents numeric input of 'Seed' Number component
-1, // represents numeric input of 'Variation seed' Number component
1.0, // represents null of 'Variation strength' Slider component
0, // represents null of 'Resize seed from height' Slider component
0, // represents null of 'Resize seed from width' Slider component
false, // represents null of 'Extra' Checkbox component
512, // represents null of 'Height' Slider component
512, // represents null of 'Width' Slider component
false, // represents null of 'Highres. fix' Checkbox component
0.7, // represents null of 'Denoising strength' Slider component
0, // represents null of 'Firstpass width' Slider component
0, // represents null of 'Firstpass height' Slider component
"None", // represents selected choice of 'Script' Dropdown component
false, // represents null of 'Put variable parts at start of prompt' Checkbox component
false, // represents null of 'Show Textbox' Checkbox component
null, // represents List of JSON objects with filename as 'name' property and base64 data as 'data' property of 'File with inputs' File component
description, // represents sample input to preprocess. of 'Prompts' Textbox component
"Nothing", // represents selected choice of 'X type' Dropdown component
null, // represents sample input to preprocess. of 'X values' Textbox component
"Nothing", // represents selected choice of 'Y type' Dropdown component
null, // represents sample input to preprocess. of 'Y values' Textbox component
true, // represents null of 'Draw legend' Checkbox component
false, // represents null of 'Include Separate Images' Checkbox component
false, // represents null of 'Keep -1 for seeds' Checkbox component
var houzhui = res.body.json().data[0][0].name
img =images.load(url2+houzhui)
let name = ui.name.getText().toString().trim()
let savepath = path+name+".png"
* 作者: 姜来式
* QQ: 1216951671
<vertical padding="10dp">
<input id="prompt" w="*" marginTop="30dp" hint = "这里填正面修饰词"/>
<input id="unprompt" hint="这里填负面过滤词" />
<button id="word" text = "点击填写示例词汇" style="Widget.AppCompat.Button.Colored" />
<button id="ai" text="ai作画"style="Widget.AppCompat.Button.Colored" />
<input id="name" hint="这里填要保存的图片文件名"/>
<button id="save" text="保存" style="Widget.AppCompat.Button.Colored" />
<img id="picture" w="auto" h="auto"/>
var path = "/storage/emulated/0/二次元生成/"
var img;
var badwords = "bad anatomy,liquid body,liquid tongue,uncoordinated body,unnatural body,bad hands,fused hand,missing hand,missing feet,bad proportions,obesity,worst quality,low quality,normal quality"
var goodwords = "{{masterpiece}},beautiful,girl,angel"
var url = "https://d1db3c6ce5bf3e1f.gradio.app/api/jianglaishi"//api接口
var url2 ="https://d1db3c6ce5bf3e1f.gradio.app/file="//读取图片
var generationinfo;
var gallery;
var htmlinfo;
var description = ui.prompt.getText().toString().trim()
var undescription = ui.unprompt.getText().toString().trim()
var res = http.postJson(url,{
"data": [
description ,// represents sample input to preprocess. of 'Prompt' Textbox component
undescription, // represents sample input to preprocess. of 'Negative prompt' Textbox component
"_KT", // represents selected choice of 'Style 1' Dropdown component
"_KT", // represents selected choice of 'Style 2' Dropdown component
20, // represents null of 'Sampling Steps' Slider component
"Euler a", // represents selected choice of 'Sampling method' Radio component
false , // represents null of 'Restore faces' Checkbox component
false, // represents null of 'Tiling' Checkbox component
1, // represents null of 'Batch count' Slider component
1, // represents null of 'Batch size' Slider component
7.0, // represents null of 'CFG Scale' Slider component
-1, // represents numeric input of 'Seed' Number component
-1, // represents numeric input of 'Variation seed' Number component
1.0, // represents null of 'Variation strength' Slider component
0, // represents null of 'Resize seed from height' Slider component
0, // represents null of 'Resize seed from width' Slider component
false, // represents null of 'Extra' Checkbox component
512, // represents null of 'Height' Slider component
512, // represents null of 'Width' Slider component
false, // represents null of 'Highres. fix' Checkbox component
0.7, // represents null of 'Denoising strength' Slider component
0, // represents null of 'Firstpass width' Slider component
0, // represents null of 'Firstpass height' Slider component
"None", // represents selected choice of 'Script' Dropdown component
false, // represents null of 'Put variable parts at start of prompt' Checkbox component
false, // represents null of 'Show Textbox' Checkbox component
null, // represents List of JSON objects with filename as 'name' property and base64 data as 'data' property of 'File with inputs' File component
description, // represents sample input to preprocess. of 'Prompts' Textbox component
"Nothing", // represents selected choice of 'X type' Dropdown component
null, // represents sample input to preprocess. of 'X values' Textbox component
"Nothing", // represents selected choice of 'Y type' Dropdown component
null, // represents sample input to preprocess. of 'Y values' Textbox component
true, // represents null of 'Draw legend' Checkbox component
false, // represents null of 'Include Separate Images' Checkbox component
false, // represents null of 'Keep -1 for seeds' Checkbox component
var houzhui = res.body.json().data[0][0].name
img =images.load(url2+houzhui)
let name = ui.name.getText().toString().trim()
let savepath = path+name+".png"
"ui"; /** * 作者: 姜来式 * QQ: 1216951671 **/ ui.layout( <scroll> <vertical padding="10dp"> <input id="prompt" w="*" marginTop="30dp" hint = "这里填正面修饰词"/> <input id="unprompt" hint="这里填负面过滤词" /> <button id="word" text = "点击填写示例词汇" style="Widget.AppCompat.Button.Colored" /> <button id="ai" text="ai作画"style="Widget.AppCompat.Button.Colored" /> <input id="name" hint="这里填要保存的图片文件名"/> <button id="save" text="保存" style="Widget.AppCompat.Button.Colored" /> <img id="picture" w="auto" h="auto"/> </vertical> </scroll> ) var path = "/storage/emulated/0/二次元生成/" var img; files.ensureDir(path) var badwords = "bad anatomy,liquid body,liquid tongue,uncoordinated body,unnatural body,bad hands,fused hand,missing hand,missing feet,bad proportions,obesity,worst quality,low quality,normal quality" var goodwords = "{{masterpiece}},beautiful,girl,angel" activity.window.addFlags(android.view.View.SYSTEM_UI_FLAG_LAYOUT_HIDE_NAVIGATION); var url = "https://d1db3c6ce5bf3e1f.gradio.app/api/jianglaishi"//api接口 var url2 ="https://d1db3c6ce5bf3e1f.gradio.app/file="//读取图片 var generationinfo; var gallery; var htmlinfo; ui.ai.click(function(){ ui.word.setText("正在生成,请耐心等待,大约20s") var description = ui.prompt.getText().toString().trim() var undescription = ui.unprompt.getText().toString().trim() threads.start(function(){ var res = http.postJson(url,{ "data": [ description ,// represents sample input to preprocess. of 'Prompt' Textbox component undescription, // represents sample input to preprocess. of 'Negative prompt' Textbox component "_KT", // represents selected choice of 'Style 1' Dropdown component "_KT", // represents selected choice of 'Style 2' Dropdown component 20, // represents null of 'Sampling Steps' Slider component "Euler a", // represents selected choice of 'Sampling method' Radio component false , // represents null of 'Restore faces' Checkbox component false, // represents null of 'Tiling' Checkbox component 1, // represents null of 'Batch count' Slider component 1, // represents null of 'Batch size' Slider component 7.0, // represents null of 'CFG Scale' Slider component -1, // represents numeric input of 'Seed' Number component -1, // represents numeric input of 'Variation seed' Number component 1.0, // represents null of 'Variation strength' Slider component 0, // represents null of 'Resize seed from height' Slider component 0, // represents null of 'Resize seed from width' Slider component false, // represents null of 'Extra' Checkbox component 512, // represents null of 'Height' Slider component 512, // represents null of 'Width' Slider component false, // represents null of 'Highres. fix' Checkbox component 0.7, // represents null of 'Denoising strength' Slider component 0, // represents null of 'Firstpass width' Slider component 0, // represents null of 'Firstpass height' Slider component "None", // represents selected choice of 'Script' Dropdown component false, // represents null of 'Put variable parts at start of prompt' Checkbox component false, // represents null of 'Show Textbox' Checkbox component null, // represents List of JSON objects with filename as 'name' property and base64 data as 'data' property of 'File with inputs' File component description, // represents sample input to preprocess. of 'Prompts' Textbox component "Nothing", // represents selected choice of 'X type' Dropdown component null, // represents sample input to preprocess. of 'X values' Textbox component "Nothing", // represents selected choice of 'Y type' Dropdown component null, // represents sample input to preprocess. of 'Y values' Textbox component true, // represents null of 'Draw legend' Checkbox component false, // represents null of 'Include Separate Images' Checkbox component false, // represents null of 'Keep -1 for seeds' Checkbox component ] }) ui.word.setText("点击填写示例词汇") var houzhui = res.body.json().data[0][0].name img =images.load(url2+houzhui) ui.run(()=>{ui.picture.setSource(url2+houzhui)}) }) }) ui.save.click(function(){ let name = ui.name.getText().toString().trim() let savepath = path+name+".png" img.saveTo(savepath) media.scanFile(savepath) toast("保存成功,请到相册查看") }) ui.word.click(function(){ ui.prompt.setText(goodwords) ui.unprompt.setText(badwords) })




